Help and FAQ

Account Help

Sign up for a new account here, fill out the form and press the "Create new account" button.

Please note your username, as you will use this to login.

You will receive an email from at the email provided during sign up. There will be a one-time log in link in the e-mail, you will be asked to create a password once logged in. For future log ins, log in to MSU Sports Camp here.

For newly created accounts. You will receive an email from at the email provided during sign up. There will be a one-time log in link in the e-mail, you will be asked to create a password once logged in.

For existing accounts. If you have added a password to your account, log in to MSU Sports Camp here with your username and password.

Reset your password here. You will receive an email from if the provided e-mail matches an account. There will be a one-time log in link in the e-mail and you will be asked to create a new password once logged in.

Log in to your account and click on "Account Information" under "Your Account," you can update information that was entered during account sign up.


Camper Help

Log in to your account, select "Add or Edit Camper" under "Current Campers", and fill out the form.

Log in to your account, select a sport from the main Sports Camp page, select a sport. In that sport, select the enroll button for the camp your camper is interested in, you will be redirected to a camp enrollment page. Select a camper from the drop down menu to enroll to the camp and select the "Next Step" button, complete the form and payment.

If your camper is not listed in the camper drown down menu, you will need to add them to your account by going to "Add or Edit Camper" under "Current Campers", and filling out the form.

Log in to your account and select "List Enrollments" under "Your Enrollments."


Sports Camp Information

For a complete list of all available camp location please refer to our Sports Camps map.

For a specific camp please refer to the camp and check the "Check-in Location" and "Pick-up Location" information provided.

Please view our contact page for a list of all contacts available.

Please refer to the Sports Camp Parents Guide for helpful information.